
Specials : Late availability & other discounts

Last updated: Wednesday 24th July

Sorry this page has been 'on holiday' for a few months - it's back regularly now!

  • Small group(s) some or all of 10th - 18th August - 4 - 6 bedrooms plus kitchen and meeting room. Ideal for extended family, cell group, etc. Self-catering. Open to discuss offers
  • Retreat led by Simon Parke 19th - 23rd August - one place, open to everyone £100 discount voucher

If you have a bit more diary flexibility and can jump on late availability options then this is the page to bookmark. Any time we have a bit of space in the diary we will offer discounts from the nice to the amazing.

Also we sometimes offer advance discounts for harder-to-fill slots or to help get the ball rolling when we add new dates to the diary. 

(This is all separate from the "I'm in a bad way" type of situation - if you're in ministry and in a crisis just call us anyway).

We will update the page every few weeks, so do check from time to time.

To claim any of the offers you must quote SPECIALS24 when you call 01647252752 or email

You need to pro-active in asking for the discount - we won't necessarily remember to offer.

What we mean by ...

  • Pay as you wish : please contribute what you can reasonably afford, according to your current needs and circumstances. Tell us at the time of making the booking how much you wish to pay. 
  • Range : we give a cost range and you can pick anywhere in between
  • Voucher : we specify a specific value discount against a booking. 
  • Open to everyone / Ministry only : check our eligibility criteria here

Please note that 1:1 or massage sessions are not likely to be available for late availability specials.

We reserve the option to withdraw any of the specials without notice or reason.