Programme listings for Sheldon Retreat
Scroll down to browse our listings for programme events with shared meals, set dates and some structure to your time.
If you prefer unstructured time to yourself, here's the link for private retreats
We have some specific House Rules including our famous 'no clergy shop talk' to free you up to enjoy social company with less risk of being ambushed by work topics.
We like to be sure you are making a booking for something that will be right for you, so we're always happy to go through details over the phone if you give us a call on 01647-252752. If you already have the details you want, you can email your details and booking request to
We look forward to welcoming you!
Here are the arrangements for accommodation and meals and for Covid-19 protections
Click here for timetables for upcoming events.
September R5 | the Sheldon team | Read, Retreat, Rest, Relax, Recuperate | Sun 22nd to Fri 27th |
Mid-October R5 | the Sheldon team | Read, Retreat, Rest, Relax, Recuperate | Sun 13th to Fri 18th | |
The Wisdom Years (October) | Margaret Silf | Embracing the challenges and the joys of our later years | Mon 21st to Fri 25th | |
Late October R5 | the Sheldon team | Read, Retreat, Rest, Relax, Recuperate | Sun 27th to Fri 1st |
Crafting retreat | Anne Newport | Crafty ways to slow you down and sustain your spiritual life | Mon 11th to Fri 15th | |
Share the Joy | Andrea Chance | An encounter with lcons | Tue 19th to Thu 21st | |
November R5 | the Sheldon team | Read, Retreat, Rest, Relax, Recuperate | Sun 24th to Fri 29th | |
Advent Workparty | the Sheldon team | volunteer workparty weekend | Fri 29th to Sun 1st |
February R5 | the Sheldon team | Read, Retreat, Rest, Relax, Recuperate | Sun 2nd to Fri 7th | |
Share the Joy | Andrea Chance | An encounter with lcons | Tue 11th to Thu 13th |
(early) March R5 | the Sheldon team | Read, Retreat, Rest, Relax, Recuperate | Sun 2nd to Fri 7th | |
Reflections on retirement | Clare Herbert | A retreat/workshop for any point on the retirement transition | Mon 10th to Fri 14th | |
(late) March R5 | the Sheldon team | Read, Retreat, Rest, Relax, Recuperate | Sun 23rd to Fri 28th |
Easter Workparty | the Sheldon team | Work and worship for Holy Week and Easter | Tue 15th to Tue 22nd | |
Low Sunday R5 | the Sheldon team | Read, Retreat, Rest, Relax, Recuperate | Sun 27th to Fri 2nd |
details tbc | Margaret Silf | details tbc | Mon 2nd to Fri 6th |
details tbc | Ian Adams and Gail Adams | details tbc | Mon 4th to Fri 8th | |
details tbc | Simon Parke | details tbc | Sun 17th to Fri 22nd |